Thursday 26 January 2012

How does contemporary representation compare to previous time periods?

Youth SubCulture:
A group of individuals who are intitled through a common value system and tastes (clothes, music, politics)
A group positioned outside the mainstream, who unify as a response to mainstream.

Values of subculture:
 Emo, Indie, punk, chavs, goffs, geeks, skaters, mods and rockers

Ideology: refers to the way in which people think about the world and their ideal concept of how to live in the world)
  • Conformity and rebellion
  • Attitude to capitalism and consumerism
  • 'Tribal' rivalry
  • Traditional or 'neophile' (a person who loves novelty, one who likes trends; a person who accept the future enthusiastically and enjoys changes and evolution)
  • Ideology in 1950s and 60s- peace, Rebellion against parents, Radicalism- reactions against the post war
Indie: Being individual, not known brand names, or no logos or brands shown. Fashion different to the norm. Listen to Indie music (alternative guitar). Quite relaxed and simple. Different style of hair.

Many groups protest and resist against the mainstream..
Teens will often move between subcultures, older youths mix and match styles/values from a mix of subcultures.
Or that adults can appear to conform for most of the working week, but re-enter the subculture at specific time ( festivals, weekends)


In the 21st century the 'dominant meaning systems' (mainstream) are crumbling.
'There is no mainstream. There are many streams'
Mainstream is in perpetual flux, constantly absorbing alternative cutlure at such a fast rare that the notion of a mainstream becomes obsolete.
no maintream, nothing for teens to react- instead driven by other motives.

1950s Teddies (Teds/ Teddy boys)
A minority in Britian but the effect they had was huge. (especially for clothing) 

1960s Mods

Mod (originally modernist to describe modern jazz musicians and fans) originated in London.

1960s Skinheads

Working class youths.Named for their shaven heads influenced by west Indian rude boys and british mods in fashion music and lifestyle. However attitudes toward race and politics have become main factors.

Early 1970s Punks

Came from USA, Uk and australia. Based around punk rock. Centred around listening to recordings or live concerts of a loud, aggressive genre of rock music called punk rock.Concerned with inidividual freedom and anti establishment views.

The cultural revolution.
Before the 1950s the world war happened.
Britian was entering a period of increased freedom and affluence
many of the old social cultural structures began to be challenged, by the young.

Rationing was coming to an end.
American way of life started to become key aspirations of the british public post war.
Increased availability of cheap colour magazines brought advertising for luxury commodities from america.
A world wide economic boom.
Labour was defeated by the conservatives at the 1951 general election. This change in goverment marked a shift from state control to increased individual freedom with slogon ' set the people free'.
Youth given mopre freedom through deregulation and commercialisation of society.

Americas Influence:
*Cultural imperialism- is the practice of promoting, distinguishing, seperating or articially injecting the culture of one society into another ( america influence on Britain post war) * use in exam

Massive increase in the production and availability of consumer goods stimulated mass consumption.
People expected to have goods such as tv, refrigerators, music systems and cars as basic requirements. before war these where luxury items only available to piviliged sections of society.
Cars rose by 250% between 1951 and 1961

The era of the 'lifestyle had begun, and specialist retailers began to spring up, providing outlets where people could buy into a new identitiy based around design or fashion

Teenagers became a recognised social group. They could differentiate them from adults.
The, branding and music spread all over to diffrent social groups.

Social Mobility:
many youths went to college and uni. evolution of trends, where as you get older you reflect back to see how things have changed .

There was a general feeling of optimism, but also a sense of uncerainty in the the future. New freedoms and liberties had been gained, but as a result society had become more fragmentes and less predictable.

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