Tuesday 31 January 2012

The representation of youth in the two posters. The connotations of the two texts

This Is England

They are represented as a very confident group of youths because they have each other. They seem they are proud of what they want to represent themselves to other people emphasized by their serious expressions and clear lighting of the photograph. This is also shown by the text 'a time to stand out from the crowd'. This connotes that they want change and be different from the rest by their choice of clothes and becoming rebellious; a strong way of showing this is to create a large group. Everyone is looking straight at the audience apart from the black man which connotes that perhaps he doesn't feel as comfortable to be part of this group as everyone else. The boy seems slightly sad emphasized by his face positioned slightly away from the audience making him seem isolated. But he is represented as the main character because he is placed at the centre of the group. The rest of the gang seem to be represented as his bodygaurd as the boy's body is slightly covered in front of the people which connotes that the gang respect him as they are protecting him.


The text 'A way of life' connotes a different style and approach to life. It suggests that they won't have a normal attidude towards the society. It again has this rebelllious feel to it, as if they are not obeying the rules.The black man on the left hand side is represented as the outcast of the gang, showing that he is not an important figure within the group. The lighting is very grey giving a lot of contrast, showing a slightly unclear vision of them which creates a suspicious appeal to the gang. 

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