Tuesday 27 March 2012

Section A, question 1a how to tackle it

Introduction:  say what you produced in AS and A2

Introduction: PDQ (Point Data Question)
Answer/give point of view to the question (I think my skills have developed in ………over the course of the two years/from AS to A2)
Outline briefly what you made across both years
Explain to the examiner how you are going to structure the essay

You should approach your essays using 3 stages:
1)      Pre-production
2)      Production
3)      Post-production
(Digital technology, creativity, use of real media texts)
You need to ask yourselves the following questions:
What digital technology did you use at AS pre-production (understanding conventions)(3 examples)
What digital technology did you develop in A2 pre-production (at least 3 progression examples)

What digital technology did the students use at AS production (3 examples)
What digital technologies did you develop at A2 production? (at least 3 progression examples)

What digital technologies did you use at AS post-production? (3 examples)
What digital technologies did you develop at A2 post-production (at least 3 progression examples)

AS google search

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